creation of the mascott pol

we connect

The innovative company URSA – European leader in thermal & acoustic insulation materials and recently part of the Belgian Etex - selected us to redefine URSA's communication territory. This facet had been neglected for years in favour of product visibility.

So we started by imagining a strong and out of the box brand icon. The result? The birth of POL the polar bear. But wait, POL is more than just a mascot, it is a fully-fledged URSA member! Cool, right?

URSA then also partnered with us on a full 360° campaign launch covering: the launch of a teasing video, a complete on&offline campaign, a festive #polparty event introducing POL, a successful Facebook page, the creation of an innovative mobile app and last but not least; a competition game boosting the activation side. Images speak more than words, so we will let you check it here under.

they grow